Westbrook Resources are suppliers of the noble alloy, Ferro Tungsten to foundries and steel works across the globe. Our Ferro Tungsten has the following chemical analysis:
Standard Material | % |
W | 75% min |
C | 0.04% max |
Si | 1% max |
Mn | 0.5% max |
S | 0.08% max |
P | 0.05% max |
Ferro Tungsten Packing & Size Options
We offer flexibility in sizing and packing of our Ferro Tungsten to meet your preferences. Our material is usually packed in drums on pallets or in 1 metric tonne sized bags but it can be repacked if you have an alternative preference. We also offer various sizing options, which you can explore in the sizing section below.
When submitting an enquiry, please indicate your preferred packaging and sizing requirements for Ferro Tungsten.
Drums on pallets
1mt bags on pallets
About Ferro Tungsten
Ferro Tungsten is found in the minerals Wolframite, Scheelite, Ferberite and Hubnerite. The minerals are mined and converted to Tungsten oxide and then heated with Hydrogen or Carbon to produce a powdered form that is mixed with Iron.
Uses of Ferro Tungsten
A good example of Ferro Tungsten usage is in high-speed steel, which may contain as much as 18% pure Tungsten. These super alloys are used in the production of turbine blades and other wear-resistant coatings and parts. Other applications requiring the high density of Ferro Tungsten alloys are heat sinks, counter weights, ballast keels, commercial aircraft tail ballast, and NASCAR and Formula 1 car ballast. In armaments, Ferro Tungsten is used in kinetic energy penetrators as an alternative to depleted uranium, but is also used in projectiles and grenades to create super-sonic shrapnel. Ferro Tungsten is also used in the manufacture of game darts for the popular bar game (the Ferro Tungsten creates darts yielding smaller diameters, thus tighter groupings during play). Ferro Tungsten is also found in fishing lures (as the Ferro Tungsten alloy beads sink rapidly).
Key Properties
Ferro Tungsten as an additive to the production process of ferrous metals will impart several desirable properties upon the new alloy. One of the primary benefits of adding Ferro Tungsten to an alloy is to increase the alloy’s melting point, making it suitable for aerospace applications as well as welding applications. Additionally, by adding Ferro Tungsten to an alloy, one can take advantage of Tungsten’s unique electrical capabilities as a conductor. For example, Tungsten is used in field emission guns like electron microscopes and in IC chips, as well as metallic films that can replace conventional copper wiring.
Why Choose Westbrook For Ferro Tungsten
Westbrook Resources are strategically positioned to distribute Ferro Tungsten worldwide, with storage facilities across the United Kingdom, Africa, Europe, and North America.
Our goal is to be a dependable, long-term partner by providing:
Uninterrupted Supply
Consistent Quality
Highly Competitive Pricing
Timely Delivery Service
World Class Customer Service
As trusted Ferro Tungsten suppliers, we are equipped to swiftly meet urgent customer needs, utilising our expansive global distribution network to serve industries across the world.
Westbrook Resources are ISO 9001 compliant, Authorised Economic Operator accredited, hold numerous REACH registrations both in the UK and the EU and have several Turkish KKDIK pre-registrations. We have fiscal representation in several countries to facilitate deliveries direct to your plant.
Contact Us
Our team is here to help you meet all of your supply needs.
​Contact us today to discuss your Ferro Tungsten requirements. Experience the difference of working with a reliable and experienced supplier in the industry.
Ferro Tungsten FAQs
What is the demand outlook for Ferro Tungsten?
Around 14% of global Tungsten consumption is used to produce Ferro Tungsten. The demand for Ferro Tungsten continues to rise due to its role in high-tech and innovative industries such as aerospace, electronics, renewable energy and defence. The growth of these sectors increases the demand for high-quality Ferro Tungsten. To see more high-quality materials needed in various industries, see our full product range today.
What is the main advantage of adding Iron to Tungsten to create Ferro Tungsten?
Whilst pure Tungsten has the highest tensile strength of all naturally occurring metals it is actually brittle and shatters under impact. When Iron is added to form Ferro Tungsten, the brittleness is alleviated creating a hard material with exceptional strength.
Why is Tungsten a critical raw material for the EU?
Tungsten is included in the list of critical raw materials for the EU due to its high supply risk (a large proportion of worldwide production comes from China - roughly 83%), there are few substitutes for it and there are low recycling rates. Price fluctuations in Tungsten are heavily influenced by under/over production in China (amongst other factors).
Is Ferro Tungsten stronger than Ferro Titanium?
Comparing standard grade Ferro Titanium (Ti>70%) with standard grade Ferro Tungsten (W>75%), Ferro Tungsten has a higher tensile strength than Ferro Titanium. However, Ferro Titanium has a higher tensile strength to density ratio than Ferro Tungsten making it, pound for pound, stronger than Ferro Tungsten.